On Ramp Beginner program

New to CrossFit or needing a refresh?

The majority of new clients that join Carpe Diem haven’t had any prior experience with CrossFit. Our On Ramp Beginners Program is designed to introduce you to the CrossFit methodology, the core CrossFit movements, and the intensity of the workouts. You and a coach will work together as you learn a combination of CrossFit’s foundational movements as well as movements our gym programs regularly. After you complete On Ramp, you’ll be ready to jump into any of our daily group classes and start moving safely, efficiently, and effectively!


  • The principles of CrossFit and 9 foundational movements

  • Accessory movements in the areas of weightlifting, gymnastics and cardio

  • The organization, structure and pace of the daily group class

  • Appropriate modifications and scaling to meet your physical ability

*On Ramp must be completed before taking any group classes.

*Upon completion of On Ramp, you will be charged as a Month to Month member (pro-rated if completed prior to the 1st of the following month).

*Couples Rates + Military, first responder and college student discounts are not applicable towards On Ramp courses.

Email Info@CarpeDiemCF.com with any questions or concerns.

If you would like to be contacted for our next On Ramp, please fill out the form below.